Thursday, 11 July 2013

A funeral and calves that ran away.

Yeah death features prominently in one more post after the previous one. 

This time, the gentleman who died peacefully in a coma - while the care givers stood aside wringing their hands in frustration, confusion and consternation - was claiming his right to be buried in the church grounds. But for that, first his body had to be released from the mortuary where it was lying in state (quite a pathetic one at that) after the post mortem.

The gentleman’s brother was on his way to the mortuary to transport him to his final resting place. Then he received this call “Mr. V, someone has untied your calves from their peg and they are not to be found since morning”

“Bloody m*#*#* f*#*##s”, Mr. V cried. 

The 4 calves were one of the precious investments from his meager income. These calves would be left to wander around his house (and his neighbours’ too) eating whatever and whenever they wanted (thus saving precious money on cattle feed). In a month’s time, they would have blossomed (?!?) into young, meaty bulls who would then be sold to prospective buyers/ butchers. While the calves where inexpensive to buy, the grown bulls were highly priced and would have earned him a handsome amount. While the calves were left to satisfy their wanderlust in the day time, at night, one calf was tethered to a peg anywhere on the grounds of the house. As if taking the cue, the remaining calves would automatically go into a huddle around this tethered calf and stay put for the night. In short, there was no need to chase and tether each calf independently, thanks to their herd mentality.

On this not-so-very-fine morning, some miscreant overcome with jealousy at Mr. V’s potential prosperity in the near future, had let loose the one calf which was tethered. The net result was that all the 4 calves had run off in 4 different directions, making Mr.V rush home spewing the choicest expletives. His brother could wait; after all, the dead were dead and they can comfortably bide their time, but the living were condemned to running around to make ends meet and feed mouths and had no time to waste.

Thus Mr. V deputed a few of his friends to escort his brother to the cemetery while he set about to chase his runaway calves. These new set of gentlemen, down on their luck (& finances) presented their blank looks and empty pockets to the morgue attendant who demanded money to give our original GentleMan a fresh makeover with a new set of clothes. These gentlemen now waited, sharing their cup of woes with each other while Mr. V went about chasing his calves. Finally, when the 4 legged lads were all tied up together, Mr. V turned up to redeem his brother from the cold confines of the freezer and take him to the hallowed grounds of the church cemetery for the customary RIP.

*** THE END (pun intended) ***
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